2018年10月23日学术报告—董军航教授(美国辛辛那提大学) |
发布时间: 2018-10-22 已访问: 285 次 |
一、报告题目: Molecular Sieve Membranes for Ion Separations In Aqueous Solutions 二、报告人: Junhang Dong(董军航),Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati 三、报告时间:10月23日下午2:00 四、报告地点:东区化工楼415会议室 董军航教授简介 Junhang Dong is a Professor of Chemical Engineering in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at University of Cincinnati. He received his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering in 1995 from the Nanjing University of Technology (China) where he was a faculty member after graduation. He came to the U.S. as a visiting scholar at University of Cincinnati in 1997 and then became a Research Associated at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 1998. He became an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at New Mexico Tech in 2001. He moved to the Chemical Engineering program at University of Cincinnati in 2006 and has been working there since. He has authored about 90 peer-reviewed papers, 2 U.S. patents, and 2 book chapters in his technical field. Dr. Dong’s primary research interest is in developing inorganic membranes and thin films for applications in molecular separations, catalytic reactions, and chemical sensing that are relevant to clean energy productions and environmental management processes. Research activities in his group include syntheses and characterizations of inorganic membrane materials and understanding the relationships between the material structure and thermodynamic and transport properties. For the past two decades, zeolite membranes and thin films have been a major research focus of his laboratory. |
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