


Email : chenhq@cczu.edu.cn


  • 江苏高校“青蓝工程”学术带头人

  • 江苏高校优秀科技创新团队负责人

  • 常州市十佳青年科技人员、常州市新长征突击手


  • 全国地下水污染防控与恢复产业联盟第一届战略决策委员会副主任

  • 江苏省精细石油化工重点实验室主任

  • 江苏省高新技术企业认定技术专家

  • 常州市石墨烯环境功能材料重点实验室主任

  • 高校化学工程学报编委


  • 绿色化学、石墨烯功能材料、环境工程


  • 石墨烯限域表面单原子催化剂的生长机理及其催化氧化性能;国家自然科学基金,负责人

  • 面向选择性氧化反应的石墨烯/铁酸盐晶体光催化材料的结构设计与性能调控,国家自然科学基金,负责人

  • 用于高效催化降解有机污染物的可磁分离太阳能光催化剂的研制及产业化,江苏省科技厅,负责人

  • 大尺寸可控性能的石墨烯单层膜/超薄膜的制备和性质,江苏省自然科学基金,负责人

  • 常州市石墨烯环境安全材料重点实验室,常州市科技局,负责人

  • 横向课题:主持完成和技术转让数十家企业精细化工中间体、新药合成、新型功能材料研发项目,负责制定技术方案、小试开发、工艺设计及试车生产等全部工作。


  • 农村经济作物废弃物高值化利用技术,2019年江苏省科学技术一等奖,江苏省政府

  • 氧化石墨的杂化及其在能源中的应用,2015年江苏省科学技术一等奖,江苏省政府

  • 石墨烯基纳米催化剂的构建及其可见光降解和绿色催化性能研究,2016年江苏高校科学技术研究成果奖(自然科学奖)一等奖,江苏省教育厅


  • Xiangyang Xu, Jingyu Qin, Ying Wei, Shaochen Ye, Jing Shen, Yan Yao, Bo Ding, Yirui Shu, Gaungyu He*, Haiqun Chen*. Heterogeneous activation of persulfate by NiFe2−xCoxO4-RGO for oxidative degradation of bisphenol A in water. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 365: 259-269.

  • Jianxing Liang, Ying Wei, Yan Yao, Xiaoke Zheng, Jing Shen, Gaungyu He*, Haiqun Chen*.Constructing high-efficiency photocatalyst for degrading ciprofloxacin: Three-dimensional visible light driven graphene based NiAlFe LDH.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 540: 237-246.

  • Xiangyang Xu, Jing Shen, Jingyu Qin, Huimin Duan, Gaungyu He*, Haiqun Chen*. Cytotoxicity of bacteriostatic reduced graphene oxide-based copper oxide nanocomposites. JOM, 2019, 71(1): 294-301.

  • Xiaoke Zheng, Jingjing Yuan, Jing Shen, Jianxing Liang, Jianfei Che, Bo Tang,Gaungyu He*, Haiqun Chen*.A carnation-like rGO/Bi2O2CO3/BiOCl composite: efficient photocatalyst for the degradation of ciprofloxacin. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s10854-019-00898-w.

  • Yan Yao, Jianxing Liang, Ying Wei, Xiaoke Zheng, Xiangyang Xu, Gaungyu He*, Haiqun Chen*. One-pot synthesis of visible-light-driven photocatalyst for degradation of Rhodamine B: Graphene based bismuth/bismuth(III) oxybromide.Materials Letters, 2019, 240: 246-249.

  • Jing Shen, Jinjuan Xue,* Guangyu He, Jie Ni, Zixiao Chen, Zhengwei Zhou, Haiqun Chen*. Construction of 3D marigold-like Bi2WO6/Ag2O/CQDs heterostructure with superior visible-light-active photocatalytic activity toward tetracycline degradation and selective oxidation. Journal of Materials Science, 2018, 53:12040-12055.

  • Jie Ni, Jinjuan Xue*, Jing Shen, Guangyu He, Haiqun Chen*. Fabrication of ZnAl mixed metal-oxides/RGO nanohybrid composites with enhanced photocatalytic activity under visible light. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2018, 441: 599-606.

  • Jingjing Yuan, Xiaoke Zheng,Dachuan Yao,Ling Jiang, Ya Li, Jianfei Che, Guangyu He* , Haiqun Chen*. Amorphous mesoporous nickel phosphate/reduced graphene oxide with superior performance for electrochemical capacitors. Dalton Trans., 2018, DOI: 10.1039/c8dt02304b.

  • Jianxing Liang, Ying Wei, Jianguo Zhang, Yan Yao, Guangyu He,* Bo Tang, and Haiqun Chen*. Scalable Green Method to Fabricate Magnetically Separable NiFe2O4-Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites with Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance Driven by Visible Light. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57: 4311-4319.

  • Shunping Fang, Zhengwei Zhou, Jinjuan Xue, Guangyu He, Haiqun Chen. Improved ciprofloxacin removal by a Fe(VI)-Fe3O4/graphene system under visible light irradiation. Water Science & Technology, 2018, 2017(2): 527-533.

  • 陈子潇,沈静,徐然,刘伟锋,陈群,何光裕,陈海群*. 可磁回收Cu-Fe3O4@GE复合材料催化还原对硝基苯酚的研究高校化学工程学报, 2018, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-9015.2018.03.012.

  • Bo Tang, Haiqun Chen*, Haoping Peng, Zhengwei Wang, Weiqiu Huang. Graphene modified TiO2 composite photocatalysts: mechanism, progress and perspective. Nanomaterials, 2018, 8: 105-131.

  • Linfang Xie, Jie Ni, Bo Tang, Gaungyu He*, Haiqun Chen*. A self-assembled 2D/2D-type protonated carbon nitride-modified graphene oxide nanocomposite with improved photocatalytic activity. Applied Surface Science, 2018, 434: 456-463.

  • Jingjing Yuan, Xiaoke Zheng, Ling Jiang, Dachuan Yao, Guangyu He, Haiqun Chen*, Jianfei Che*. CNT-intercalated rGO/sulfur laminated structure for high-rate and long-life lithium-sulfur batteries. Materials Letters, 2018, 219: 68-71.

  • Jie Ni, Jinjuan Xue*, Linfang Xie, Jing Shen, Gaungyu He, Haiqun Chen*. Construction of magnetically separable NiAl LDH/Fe3O4-RGO nanocomposites with enhanced photocatalytic performance under visible light. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20: 414-421.

  • Jing Shen, Jinjuan Xue, Zixiao Chen, Jie Ni, Bo Tang, Gaungyu He*, Haiqun Chen*. One-step hydrothermal synthesis of peony-like Ag/Bi2WO6 as efficient visible-light-driven photocatalyst toward organic pollutants degradation. Journal of Materials Science, 2018, 53(7): 4848-4860.

  • Bo Tang*, Haiqun Chen, Yanfeng He, Zhengwei Wang. Influence from defects of three-dimensional graphene network on photocatalystic performance of composite photocatalyst. Composites Science and Technology, 2017, 150: 54-64.

  • Bo Tang*, Guojian Ji, Zhengwei Wang, Haiqun Chen*, Xufei Li, Haogang Yu, Sen Li, Hong Liu. Three-dimensional graphene networks and reduced graphene oxide nanosheets co-modified dye-sensitized solar cells. RSC Advances, 2017, 7: 45280-45286.

  • Zixiao Chen, Bo Tang, Guangyu He*, Haiqun Chen*. Synthesis of CuCr2O4/reduced graphene oxide composite: A green catalyst for selective oxidation of cyclohexane to cyclohexanone with hydrogen peroxide. Chemistry Select, 2017, 2(33): 10941-10945.

  • Zhengwei Zhou, Shunping Fang, Haiqun Chen*, Jing Ji, Jun Wu. Trials of treating decentralized domestic sewage from a residential area by potassium ferrate (VI). Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2017, 228(8): 316-322.

  • Tingting Xu, Jinjuan Xue, Xiaolei Zhang, Guangyu He, Haiqun Chen*. Ultrafine cobalt nanoparticles supported on reduced graphene oxide: Efficient catalyst for fast reduction of hexavalent chromium at room temperature. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 402: 294-300.

  • Qiling Qiu, Yifan Chen, Jinjuan Xue, Junwu Zhu, Yongsheng Fu, Guangyu He, Haiqun Chen*. One-step solvothermal synthesis of spherical spinel type NiFe2-xMnxO4-RGO as high-performance supercapacitor electrodes. Ceramics International, 2017, 43(2): 2226-2232.

  • Yuanjie Zhu, Jinjuan Xue, Tingting Xu, Guangyu He, Haiqun Chen*. Enhanced photocatalytic activity of magnetic core-shell Fe3O4@Bi2O3-RGO heterojunctions for quinolone antibiotics degradation under visible light. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2017, 28(12): 1-10.

  • 汪日平,王继鹏,周正伟,何光裕,陈海群*. Fe3O4/石墨烯-H2O2预处理对污泥脱水性能的影响及其作用机理环境工程学报, 2017, 10: 5590-5596.

  • Weiming Zhang, Zhengwei Zhou, Xueying Shan, Ran Xu, Qun Chen, Guangyu He, Xiaoqiang Sun and Haiqun Chen*. Solvent-thermal preparation of CuCo2O4/RGO heterocomposite: An efficient catalyst for the reduction of p-nitrophenol. New Journal of Chemistry, 2016, 40(5): 4769-4774.

  • Lizhong Liu, Jinjuan Xue, Xueying Shan, Guangyu He, Xin Wang, Haiqun Chen*. In-situ preparation of three-dimensional Ni@graphene-Cu composites for ultrafast reduction of Cr(VI) at room temperature. Catalysis Communications, 2016, 75(2): 13-17.

  • Tingting Xu, Guangyu He, Yitao Zhao, Hanyun Gu, Zhengyuan Jiang, Qun Chen, Xiaoqiang Sun, Haiqun Chen*. Benzenoid-like CuFeO2@reduced graphene oxide: Facile synthesis and its excellent catalytic performance in selective oxidation. Applied Surface Science, 2016, 389: 840-848.

  • Jiajia Ding, Lizhong Liu, Jinjuan Xue, Zhengwei Zhou, Guangyu He, Haiqun Chen*. Low-temperature preparation of magnetically separable Fe3O4@CuO-RGO core-shell heterojunctions for high-performance removal of organic dye under visible light. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 688: 649-656.

  • Guangyu He, Jiajia Ding, Jianguo Zhang, Qingli Hao, Haiqun Chen*. One-step ball-milling preparation of highly photocatalytic active CoFe2O4-reduced graphene oxide heterojunctions for organic dye removal. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54(11): 2862-2867.

  • Lizhong Liu, Huanli Wang, Zhengwei Zhou, Guangyu He, Xiaoqiang Sun, Qun Chen, Haiqun Chen*. A facile novel preparation of three-dimensional Ni@graphene by catalyzed glucose blowing for high-performance supercapacitor electrodes. RSC Advances, 2015, 5(91): 74463-74466.

  • Yinglong Su, Xiong Zheng, Aihui Chen, Yinguang Chen, Guangyu He, Haiqun Chen*. Hydroxyl functionalization of single-walled carbon nanotubes causes inhibition to the bacterial denitrification process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 279: 47-55.

  • Wei Dai, Xueying Shan, Guangyu He, Haiqun Chen*. Prediction for cellular uptake of manufactured nanoparticles to pancreatic cancer cells. Rev. Roum. Chim., 2015, 60(4): 367-370.

  • Rongyan Shen, Weiming Zhang, Yuan Yuan, Guangyu He, Haiqun Chen*. Electrochemical detection of bisphenol A at graphene/melamine nanoparticle-modified glassy carbon electrode. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 2015, 45(4): 343-352.

  • 何光裕,王劲草,侯景会,孙小强,陈海群*. 石墨烯/三聚氰胺甲醛树脂的层状自组装及性能中国科学化学2015, 45(2): 186-193.

  • Yitao Zhao, Guangyu He, Wen Dai, Haiqun Chen*. High catalytic activity in the phenol hydroxylation of magnetically separable CuFe2O4-reduced graphene oxide. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(32): 12566-12574.

  • Ran Xu, Huiping Bi, Guangyu He, Junwu Zhu, Haiqun Chen*. Synthesis of Cu-Fe3O4@graphene composite: A magnetically separable and efficient catalyst for the reduction of 4-nitrophenol. Materials Research Bulletin, 2014, 57: 190-196.

  • Jianguo Zhang, Huiping Bi, Guangyu He, Yongwen Zhou, Haiqun Chen*. Fabrication of Ag3PO4/PANI/GO composites with high visible light photocatalytic performance and stability. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2014, 2(2): 952-957.

  • Yuan Yuan, Huiping Bi, Guangyu He, Junwu Zhu, Haiqun Chen*. A facile hydrothermal synthesis of MnCo2O4@graphene nanocomposite for application in supercapacitors. Chemistry Letters, 2014, 43(1): 83-85.

  • Jiahui Zhang, Lili Zhang, Jin Huang, Shouyong Zhou, Haiqun Chen*, Weiguang Zhang, Xin Wang. A cost-effective magnetic photocatalyst palygorskite-TiO2-FexOwith excellent performance for dye photodegradation under visible light. Nano, 2014, 9(6): 1450063.

  • Jiahui Zhang, Lili Zhang, Jinshun Lv, Shouyong Zhou, Haiqun Chen*, Yijiang Zhao, Xin Wang. Exceptional visible-light-induced photocatalytic activity of attapulgite-BiOBr-TiO2 nanocomposites. Applied Clay Science, 2014, 90: 135-140.

  • Guangyu He, Wen Dai, Yitao Zhao, Qun Chen, Xiaoqiang Sun, Haiqun Chen*, Xin Wang. A facile synthesis of Ag@graphene-nanosheet composite with enhanced antibacterial activity and acceptable environmental safety. Monatshefte fur Chemie, 2014, 145(1): 3-10.

  • Dandan Wang, Linlin Feng, Guangyu He, Haiqun Chen*. QSAR studies for the acute toxicity of nitrobenzenes to the tetrahymena pyriformis. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 2014, 79(9): 1111-1125.

  • Dandan Wang, Guangyu He, Haiqun Chen*. Prediction for the detonation velocity of the nitrogen-rich energetic compounds based on quantum chemistry. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2014, 88(13): 2363-2369.

  • Huiping Bi, Guangyu He, Ran Xu, Zhiqi Song, Junwu Zhu, Haiqun Chen*, Xin Wang. Preparation of copper-embedded graphene nanocomposites for catalytic hydroxylation of benzene to phenol. Current Organic Chemistry, 2014, 18(24): 3136-3140.

  • 毕慧平,刘立忠,丁佳佳,何光裕,陈海群*,汪信. Cu-石墨烯类Fenton催化剂的制备及催化活性无机化学学报2014, 30(10): 2347-2352.

  • Guangyu He, Lin Wang, Haiqun Chen*, Xiaoqiang Sun, Xin Wang. Preparation and performance of NiCo2O4 nanowires-loaded graphene as supercapacitor material. Materials Letters, 2013, 98: 164-167.

  • Guangyu He, Maogong Qian, Xiaoqiang Sun, Qun Chen, Xin Wang, Haiqun Chen*. Graphene sheets-based Ag@Ag3PO4 heterostructure for enhanced photocatalytic activity and stability under visible light. PowderTechnology, 2013, 246: 278-283.

  • Guangyu He, Weifeng Liu, Xiaoqiang Sun, Qun Chen, Xin Wang, Haiqun Chen*. Fe3O4@graphene oxide composite: A magnetically separable and efficient catalyst for the reduction of nitroarenes. Materials Research Bulletin, 2013, 48(5): 1885-1890.

  • Guangyu He, Dandan Wang, Liang Cheng, Haiqun Chen*. Theoretical study on thermal safety of preparing fluorobenzene by the Balz-Schiemann reaction and fluorodenitration reaction. Journal of Chemical Health and Safety, 2013, 20(1): 30-34.

  • Guangyu He, Haiqing Wu, Lin Wang, Xiaoqiang Sun, Haiqun Chen*, Xin Wang. Photo-synthesis of multiple valence silver nanoparticles on reduced graphene oxide sheets with enhanced antibacterial activity. Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2013, 43(4): 440-448.

  • Guangyu He, Jianguo Zhang, Yan Zhang, Haiqun Chen*, Xin Wang. Fast and efficient removal of cationic dye using graphite oxide, adsorption, and kinetics studies. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2013, 34: 1223-1230.

  • Guangyu He, Yuan Yuan, Liang Wang, Haiqun Chen*, Xiaoqiang Sun, Xin Wang. Facile synthesis of low-defect-density graphene/MnO2 composite and its electrochemical performance. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2013, 13(1): 487-492.

  • 何光裕,侯景会,黄静,孙小强,陈海群*. ZnO/氧化石墨烯复合材料的制备及其可见光催化性能高校化学工程学报2013, 27(4): 663-668.

  • Yongsheng Fu, Haiqun Chen*, Xiaoqiang Sun, Xin Wang. Combination of cobalt ferrite and graphene: High-performance and recyclable visible-light photocatalysis. Applied Catalysis B:Environmental, 2012, 111-112: 280-287.

  • Guangyu He, Jianghua Li, Haiqun Chen*, Jian Shi, Xiaoqiang Sun, Sheng Chen, Xin Wang. Hydrothermal preparation of Co3O4@graphene nanocomposite for supercapacitor with enhanced capacitive performance. Materials Letters, 2012, 82: 61-63.

  • Guangyu He, Linlin Feng, Haiqun Chen*. A QSAR study of the acute toxicity of halogenated Phenols. Procedia Engineering, 2012, 43: 204-209.

  • Huajie Huang, Haiqun Chen, Dongping Sun, Xin Wang. Graphene nanoplate-Pt composite as a high performance electrocatalyst for direct methanol fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources, 2012, 204: 46-52.

  • Guangyu He, Jing Huang, Weifeng Liu, Xin Wang, Haiqun Chen*, Xiaoqing Sun. ZnO-Bi2O3/graphene oxide photocatalyst with high photocatalytic performance under visible light. Materials Technology, 2012, 27(4): 278.

  • Yongsheng Fu, Haiqun Chen, Xiaoqiang Sun, Xin Wang*. Graphene-supported nickel ferrite: A magnetically separable photocatalyst with high activity under visible light. AICHE Journal, 2012, 58(11): 3298-3305.

  • 何光裕,张艳,钱茂公,陈海群*,汪信磁性Fe3O4/石墨烯Photo-Fenton催化剂的制备及其催化活性无机化学学报2012, 28(11): 2306-2312.

  • 何光裕,马凯,侯景会,孙小强,陈海群*. /石墨烯纳米复合材料的绿色制备及其抑菌性能精细化工2012, 29(9): 1-4.

  • Guangyu He, Haiqun Chen, Junwu Zhu, Fengli Bei, Xiaoqiang Sun, Xin Wang*. Synthesis and characterization of graphene paper with controllable properties via chemical reduction. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21: 14631-14638.

  • Yongsheng Fu, Pan Xiong, Haiqun Chen*, Xiaoqiang Sun, Xin Wang. High photocatalytic activity of magnetically separable manganese ferrite graphene heteroarchitectures. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 51(2): 725-731.

  • Haiqun Chen, Marc B. Muller, Kerry J. Gilmore, Gordon G. Wallace, Dan Li. Mechanically strong, electrically conductive, and biocompatible graphene paper, Adv. Mater. 2008, 20:3557-3561


  • 化工生产安全技术,2012年,中国石化出版社

  • 安全检测与监控技术,2017年,中国石化出版社,江苏省重点教材


  • 一种三明治结构复合氧化石墨烯纸电极材料的制备方法,ZL201610374689.3

  • 一种三明治结构复合石墨烯纸电极材料的制备方法,ZL201610375938.0

  • 一种氧化亚锰@复合碳电极材料的制备方法,ZL201610228625.2

  • 一种钴酸镍石墨烯复合材料及其用途和制备方法,ZL201210399242.3

  • 一种检测痕量双酚A的电化学传感器及其制备方法与应用,ZL201310423383.9

  • 一种用于苯直接羟基化制备苯酚的纳米铜-石墨烯复合催化剂及其制备方法,ZL201210433978.8

  • 一种新型镍@复合碳电极材料的制备方法,ZL201510292820.7