






















李忠玉,博士,教授,硕士生导师。20059月博士毕业于日本山口大学,20062月至20081月在清华大学化学系从事博士后研究工作。20112月调入常州大学石油化工学院工作。自2002年以来,一直从事非线性光学材料、光催化材料、材料的光化学与光物理性能研究。共在国内外学术期刊上共发表论文近80篇,其中被SCIEI收录50余篇,申请发明专利15项,参与编写学术著作一部。先后主持和承担完成中国博士后科学基金1项,科技部中小企业创新基金1项;   973项目"多层次、多组分的界面分子组装与功能和国家自然基金项目“酞菁二芳烯二元光致变色超分子体系的纳米光动力模型研究”各1项,其他项目多项。2008年获得常州市第四批领军型海归创业人才称号;2009年获首批吉林省高校百名科技领军人才和吉林市第四批青年科技专家称号;2011年为江苏省六大人才高峰第八批高层次人才培养对象;获2012年度江苏省有突出贡献中青年专家称号以及2012年度常州市中青年专业技术拔尖人才称号;2013年被评为为江苏省第四期“333高层次人才培养工程”中青年科学技术带头人。



1.   Bo Liu, Zhongyu Li*, Song Xu*,   Dandan Han, Dayong Lu, Enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activities of Ag3PO4/MWCNT   nanocomposites fabricated by facile in situ precipitation method, Journal   of Alloys and Compounds, 2014,596, 19-24.

2.   Yongling Fang, Zhongyu Li*, Song Xu*, Dandan Han,   Dayong Lu, Fabrication of squaraine dye sensitized spherical zinc oxide   nanocomposites and their visible-light induced photocatalytic activity, NANO,   2014, 9, 1450036-1-7.

3.   Rulin Dong, Shuyun Liu, Zhongyu Li, Zhidong Chen,   Hanping Zhang, TiO2 microspheres   with variable morphology, size and density synthesized by a facile   emulsion-mediated hydrothermal process, Materials   Letters, 2014, 123, 135-137.

4. Rulin Dong, Shuyun Liu, Zhongyu Li, Zhidong Chen,   Hanping Zhang, TiO2 microspheres   with variable morphology, size and density synthesized by a facile   emulsion-mediated hydrothermal process, Materials Letters, 2014, 123, 135-137.

5. Bo Liu,   Yongling Fang, Zhongyu Li*,   Song Xu*, Visible-Light   Nanostructured PhotocatalystsA Review, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,   2014, 14, 1-32.

6.   Yongling Fang, Zhongyu Li*, Song Xu*,   Dandan Han, Dayong Lu, Optical properties and photocatalytic activities of   spherical ZnO and flower-like ZnO structures synthesized by facile   hydrothermal method, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013,575,   359-363.

7. Zhongyu Li*,   Yongling Fang, Song Xu, Squaraine dye sensitized TiO2nanocomposites   with enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity, Materials Letters,   2013,93, 345-348.

8. Zhongyu Li*,   Yongling Fang, Xueqiu Zhan, Song Xu, Facile preparation of squarylium dye   sensitized TiO2nanoparticles and their enhanced visible-light   photocatalytic activity, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013,564, 138-142.

9. Zhongyu Li*,Yongling   Fang, Song Xu*, Dandan Han, Dayong Lu, Fabrication and high photocatalytic   activity of TiO2microspheres formed by surfactant assisted   polymerization-induced colloid aggregation, Optoelectronics and Advanced   Materials –Rapid Communications, 2013,9-10,   792-796.

10. Zhongyu Li,   Song Xu, Xinyu Zhou, Fushi Zhang, Alkali-Responsive Absorption Spectra and   Third-Order Optical Nonlinearities of Imino Squaramides, Chinese physics   letters, 2012, 29, 054206-1-4.

11 Zhongyu Li,   Song Xu, Lin Zhu, Kazuo Kasatani, Large resonant third-order optical   nonlinearity of thin film containing J-like aggregates of a   bis[4-(N-dibutylamino)phenyl]squarylium dye, Bulletin of materials   science, 2012, 35, 1111-1116.

12.   Zihui Chen, Xinyu Zhou,Zhongyu Li, Lihong Niu,   Jiaxiang Yi, Fushi Zhang, The third-order optical nonlinearities of   thiophene-bearing phthalocyaninesstudied by Z-scan technique, Journal of   Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2011,218,   64-68.

13. Zhongyu Li,Song   Xu, Ying Du, Third-order optical nonlinearity of a   1,3-bis(2,4,6-trihydroxy-phenyl)squaraine, Applied Machanics Materials,2011, 80-81,360.

14. Zhongyu Li,   Song Xu, Zihui Chen, Fushi Zhang, Kasatani Kazuo, Third-Order Optical   Nonlinearities of Squarylium Dyes with BenzothiazoleDonor Groups Measured   Using the Picosecond Z-Scan Technique, Chinese physics letters, 2011,   28, 084208-1-4.

15.   牛丽红,李忠玉,陈子辉,张复实,唐应武,以偶氮苯基团为周边取代基的锌酞菁的合成及光物理性质,化学通报2009(3):251-257.

16.   Zihui Chen*, Sida Dong, Cheng Zhong, Zhi Zhang,   Lihong Niu, Zhongyu Li*, Fushi Zhang*,   Photoswitching of the third-order nonlinear optical properties of   azobenzene-containing phthalocyanines based on reversible host-guest   interactions, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry,   2009,188, 311-316.

17.   Lei Huang, Zhongyu Li*, Fushi Zhang,   Chen-Ho Tung, Kazuo Kasatani,Off-resonant optical nonlinearities of   phthalocyanine analogues: dihydroxy phosphorus (V) tetrabenzotriazacorroles, Optics   Communication, 2008, 281, 1275-1279.

18.   Peng Zhao, Song Xu, Zhongyu Li*, Fushi   Zhang, Nonlinear optical properties of novel polymeric rare earth   phthalocyanine studied using picosecond Z-scan technique, Chinese physics   letters, 2008, 25, 2058-2061.

19.   Lei Huang, Peng Zhao,Zhongyu Li, Fushi Zhang, Chen-Ho   Tung, Photophysical properties of sulfonated dihydroxy phosphorus (V)   tetrabenzotriazacorrole, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2008,   112, 4165-4169.

20.   Zihui Chen, Zhongyu Li, Yuejing Bin, Lei Huang, Fushi   Zhang, A novel family of Diarylethene-Phthalocyanine Dyad System for   Nondestructive Data Processing, Science in China. Series B, 2008,   51, 263-268.

21.   Zihui Chen, Zhi Zhang, Zhongyu Li*, Fushi   Zhang, Photo-responsive J-aggregation behavior of a novel   azobenzene-phthalocyanine dyad and its third-order optical nonlinearity, Journal   of Physical Chemistry B, 2008, 112, 7387-7394   .

22.   Zhi Zhang, Xuedong Liu,Zhongyu Li, Zihui Chen, Fuqun   Zhao, Fushi Zhang, Chen-Ho Tung, A smart light-controlled carrier switching   in organic light emitting device, Advanced Functional materials,2008,   18, 302-307.

23.   Yuejing Bin, Song Xu, Zhongyu Li*, Lei   Huang, Zhi Zhang, Fushi Zhang, Large Third-order Optical Nonlinearity of a   Novel Copper Phthalocyanine-Ferrocene Dyad, Chinese physics letters,   2008, 25, 3257-3259.



1. 纳米有机染料分子J-聚集体的光学性质与应用研究,中国博士后科学基金。

2. 酞菁二芳烯二元光致变色超分子体系的纳米光动力模型研究,国家自然科学基金(20773077)。

3. 移动式水资源环境修复系统,科技部中小企业创新基金(09C26223203887)。

4. 多层次、多组分的界面分子组装与功能,973基础研究重点项目(2007CB808000)。

5. 光电子功能材料中的几个基本光化学问题,国家自然科学基金重点项目(20333080)。

6. 高稳定染料敏化纳米TiO2可见光催化降解有机污染物的研究,吉林省教育厅项目。

7. 在地下水中典型POPs在弱透水层中的水文地球化学行为研究,吉林省教育厅项目。

8. 染料敏化稀土离子掺杂的纳米TiO2可见光催化降解有机污染物研究,常州大学引进人才科研启动项目。

9. 稀土共掺杂纳米TiO2功能材料制备及其去除有机污染物的应用研究,江苏省“六大人才高峰”第八批高层次人才项目。

10. 方酸菁染料敏化纳米TiO2可见光催化降解有机污染物的研究”(CJ20115009),常州市科技项目应用基础研究计划项目。




2. 首批吉林省高校百名科技领军人才,2009.4

3. 吉林市第四批青年科技专家,2009.11

4. 江苏省第八批“六大人才高峰”高层次人才培养对象,2011.12

5. 常州市新北区优秀科技工作者,2012.12

6. 2012年度常州市中青年专业技术拔尖人才,2013.2

7. 常州大学第二届我最喜爱教师2013.4

8. 常州市第十二次自然科学优秀科技论文三等奖,2013.9

9. 2012年度江苏省有突出贡献中青年专家,2013.11

10. 江苏省第四期“333高层次人才培养工程”中青年科学技术带头人, 2013.9

11. 2013届常州大学优秀毕业设计(论文)指导教师,2013.11



1. 功能性纳米材料及光催化材料制备

2. 小分子荧光探针

3. 光致变色材料

4. 非线性光学材料